Friday, January 20, 2012

Remember when I said you can't have a pink guest room?

Well, you can't. Or I can't. We couldn't. It just didn't work. Unless our guest was a 5 year old girl. And they weren't. They were brothers, mothers, fathers and a few drunken friends. The pink 'big girl' bedding (as those mothers who recently purchased the set from Overstock for their 3-5 year old girls put it) just had to go. I wanted to buy new, but sometimes you just have to work with what you have. And what I had was the bedding in the master bedroom....which gave me an excuse to get new bedding for that room instead! Score - I still got to shop AND I'll get two room makeovers with just one purchase!

So this is the bedding I had:
Before I did anything else to the room. I wasn't too concerned about it. 
But this is how Tommy Hilfiger styled it:

Yeah, it looks nice there. Just didn't look nice in the guest room. Here's what I came up with:

See that headboard? Yeah I know, it's hard to see it. I paid 59 CENTS for it so it's okay. 
I'll probably change it another 3 times before I actually love it...thanks Pinterest for that complex!

Imagine those canvases painted pink and green...something like this:

These just looked really bad in pink and green.
(Oh hey jewelry box, haven't forgotten about you!)
And no room in the house is complete without a tgdesigns pillow:

Pretty simple but I like it!
I still have a few more projects to finish up for this room. I bought an old vanity for $5 this summer and it's about to get a coat of yellow paint! I'd tackle that tomorrow but I'll be practicing my hand at making a boob cake for the bf's birthday. I asked what he wanted, that was his first request. I'm sure it was a joke, but my baking partner in crime Val and I will be attempting one tomorrow as a practice run. Dana will be there to provide booze and suggestions. Saturday Funday - doesn't quite have the ring that Sunday Funday does, but I'm sure I'll have a ringing zinger on Sunday from all the fun on Saturday. 

Happy (project) weekend to you all! Hopefully I'll have something to report back on Monday with - besides my opinion that is :)

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