Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ta da - (one) finished project!

You all remember when I bought a bunch of chairs at Goodwill right? Well, I'm happy to report that I've finished one of them! Two more are in progress - you'd be surprised at how picky I am when it comes to finding material. The little rocker is getting hand screen-printed material from China and it should be here in 7-10 days. It's the third fabric I've purchased for that chair so far, cross your fingers I like it!

So let's take a look back shall we? Here is the rocker as I purchased it from Goodwill:

Before - beh, pretty ugly I'd say...
Luckily for me, I found out that this was not an antique or expensive piece when I was disassembling it. I found a Wal-Mart sticker so I felt okay about sanding and painting and updating to a more contemporary style.  So now, drum roll is the finished project:

After - updated just the way I like it!

And a close up of the fabric - old design, updated colors

I'm proud of myself with this piece, it's the first color and fabric I picked out - normally I go through about 2 to 3 colors and several different fabrics. Being indecisive makes it a little difficult to be a "wannabe designer" ya know.

Stay tuned for the other finished projects - they're all coming together and I'll be posting them soon!


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