Monday, November 28, 2011

My Opinion Monday – on Black Friday shoppers….

You’re all crazy. Seriously, a riot over $2 waffle makers? That is just nuts. I’m pretty sure you can get an all-you-can eat waffle buffet for $2 somewhere…

Black Friday shopping has never appealed to me. My mom use to be a total diehard Black Friday shopper, I never went with her at the ungodly hours though – I had some serious sleep to catch up on. I have a couple aunts and cousins that make a plan and get all nutty about it at Thanksgiving dinner. I prefer to have some adult beverages and work my way out of a food coma. Black Friday shopping seems like work – and hello people – I was off for a 4 day weekend!

I actually tried to hit up Kohl’s at about 11AM for a black t-shirt (I’d forgotten mine and was thinking that would be a great outfit to wear for Ty’s side Christmas – which turned into a disaster of an outfit (after I got some at Kmart on Saturday) and I ended up wearing the same thing I wore to my side…) As I was walking toward the checkout, I realized that the line wrapped all the way to the back of the store. I did what I’ve never really done before (expect that one time at Wal-Mart when all the idiots were out in full force), I put my stuff back on the rack and walked out. No amount of discount would justify me standing in a line with a bunch of crazies that have been shopping for 12 hours already and were most likely on the verge of using pepper spray too.

I love shopping just like the rest of you (I have credit card statements to prove this), but shopping on Black Friday is just dumb and I think you're all insane. I hate Wal-Mart on any normal day, no way am I going to get trampled for something I can buy later. 

To make my point, I will include some pictures:
I wonder if she's using this picture on her holiday card?? (source)

If this is your Grandma, you should be ashamed of yourself for requesting such stupid gifts. (source)

I guarantee the lady in the M&M's jacket hasn't ran this fast in years. (source)

This is child abuse. DHS should take these kids away; they should be sleeping. (source)

The lady behind this guy has a box of photo coasters. PHOTO COASTERS? REALLY!?! I got a nice set of those at Goodwill for $4 and I didn't have to wait in a long line to purchase. And I just got 2 from a wedding reception. If you're going to go, at least get something awesome lady! Black Friday Fail. 

You should all just stop before you become the crazy Target lady...and not the funny SNL one.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Opinion Monday - on me not blogging on Monday!

I'm so annoyed with myself right now. I started this catchy little "My Opinion Monday" thing and then what do I do for the past 4 weeks? Yeah, not blog on Monday. After taking 3 steady weeks to get some products built up for a show, I just didn't have the time at the end of the night to sit down and complain about anything. Last night was the same. Make 48 cupcakes for a co-worker for her grandkiddies for Thanksgiving and finished up some orders from last weeks open house. By the time I got that all done and the kitchen cleaned up - and then watched 2 Broke Girls it was time for bed! I've been battling a cold/sinus infection/whatever the fuck it is for the past week now. When I stop moving at the end of the day, I'm exhausted and normally go to bed with a headache. I told myself I was going to the doctor today, but I didn't. And no, I haven't had the flu shot. I never get one which may explain why I'm sick all the time? and I'm not pregnant - everyone else is doing that, I don't follow the trends - okay okay, except leggings and skinny jeans I guess.

So from here on out, I vow to keep up my bitching on Monday so you all have something to read instead of looking at my pretty pictures. We all know you're here for the stories, not the pictures (just like Playboy huh boys?)

For those of you that are here for the pictures, here's one of me after way too many hours of crafting last week:
This will someday be in one of those "celebs without makeup" albums I'm sure.

I will be back on Monday with some hilarious gripe about something - it's my mission to find that between now and then!

Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thank you to all of you that read this, those that support my crafting venture and those who follow me - in the blogging world (if you're following me otherwise, stop.)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Opinion Monday - although not really

Yeah, sorry for the disruption in my blogging. I wish I could blame it on unpaid bills, but this site is free and I only have my craft room to blame for me being MIA. You may remember me talking about displaying some items at a holiday open house coming up. Well, that's in like, 2 days. I've spent much of my free time in my craft room - thanks to the landlord for getting me a heater as an early bday present...just too bad I didn't get anything on the actual bday. Instead of boring you with lots of words, I'll just include some pictures...

Exhibit 1: owls
Notice the Hawkeye, Cyclones and Bears colors...this is at "team colors" as I'm going to get peeps. 

Exhibit 2: wine bottle holders - so that cheap bottle of wine you're planning on regifting looks better.
Drinking in moderation is fine. Don't go calling "Intervention" on me. 

Exhibit 3: Christmas stockings - because Santa isn't going to just put those gifts on floor with the rest of them.

Exhibit 4: messiest craft room ever!

And I've taken over the living room too...

Thank god my pillows have been hanging out since January. One less thing to worry about.

Thanks for hanging in there with me. I'm hopeful that the show on Thursday will go fantastically. If no one likes my stuff, well, ...I hope my family likes it because that's what they'll be getting for Christmas if no one else wants it!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is anyone else obsessed with owls?

I am. My Grandpa Still apparently liked owls and so now anytime I see something with an owl, I'm reminded of him.

My Grandma Giles, that lived in Arizona, had a box turtle in her backyard she named "Box" when I was younger - I started collecting turtles the year she died and have quite the collection. They're mostly at my parents house, but it's a nice reminder that when I go home, I see those turtles and can be reminded of her too.

My grandma Still must have mentioned that Grandpa liked owls to me a few years back and from then on, I've been seeing them everywhere. I got her an owl cookie jar for her Easter, got myself some matching salt and pepper shakers and have a few owl pieces of jewelry. When I recently made my holiday frame, I thought it needed a cute little felt owl to go with it. I searched Etsy for something but ultimately thought, "I can make something." So I did. And this is that I made:

I actually gave this one to my Gma for her 80th bday last weekend though....
 I decided I'm going to make these for the holiday open house I'm showing my stuff at. Last night I sat down with an assembly line of owls. I only managed to get 4 all the way done - these little things take some time since I'm hand stitching everything. Here are a few that I'll have with me:

Please tell me these are cute.

If anyone is interested in getting one for themselves or anyone on their Christmas list, just send me a message: They're $12 a piece and you can customize them to be any color you wish - with or without the heart.

Seriously, don't you think those on your list would like this better than a silly giftcard to a store they don't even like?? (Giftcards drive me nuts, unless they're from my mom - Jimmy Johns, Panera, Casey's mom - otherwise they just feel super impersonal. Nothing says "I waited til the last minute and have no idea what you like" quite like a giftcard! - I'll stop - this is a Monday post for sure).
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